
How To Effectively Train Sales People Wholesale

In the past few Wholesale Car Door Guards years an increasing amount of money has been invested in training and re-training sales people. The use of modern communication systems has also become a part of their training. Now is therefore Glasses Holders Accessories a good time for companies and sales managers to ask themselves to what extent their sales training programmes should be orientated towards the old, tried and tested methods, or whether these should be replaced altogether by modern, high tech methods.A team of professors and sales trainers examined this question in 203 companies. The study focused on a comparison of eight traditional training methods and four high tech training methods.The 8 traditional training methods were:Discussion based trainingConferences/lecture type trainingUse of case studiesTelevised lecturesFilms and videosRole playManagement gamesReactive training.The high tech training methods were:Computer-based training: The salesperson trains alone with the help of a special computer-based training programme. It is possible to have training programmes with practical exercises or simulation programmes.Computer-led training: The salesperson is tested on their training progress on a computer. The computer then makes additional training suggestions.Teletraining: Electronic training sessions with participants in various different locations linked by conference call.Interactive video training: The presentation of a problem or case study on video, which is then "solved" by the salesperson on computer. According to the companies asked, discussion based training is right up at the top of the preferred training methods, both today and in the future. Most of those asked believed that lectures/conferences alone will continue to decrease in importance. This is because they are the only training method in which the salespeople remain totally passive.According to the survey Wholesale results, high tech training methods are still seldom used. Computer-based and computer-led sales training methods are expected, however, to become increasingly important, although teletraining will remain relatively low down on the list of preferred training methods.The companies asked believed Wholesale Wall Switch Plate that traditional role playing was the most effective training method for developing sales people.One of the striking results of the study was the discrepancy between the frequency of use and predicted effectiveness of eight of the training methods examined. With the training methods of discussion based, lecture/conference, televised lecture and film and video, the frequency of use was considerably higher than the anticipated effectiveness. On the other hand, those asked estimated that the interactive video, computer-based, computer-led and teletraining methods had a greater effectiveness than frequency of use.According to those asked, the case study training method is more appropriate for developing interpersonal communication skills in sales people than it is for transmitting basic sales knowledge. Further differences were shown for the training goal "changing attitudes": in this case, computer-based and computer-led training methods were judged to be the worse training methods.On balance, although high tech training methods tended to be perceived as effective, they are not as yet in widespread use. Particularly effective are training methods that include intensive involvement and participation on the salesperson's part, such as role play, and similar trainer-led training methods. Passive training methods, on the other hand, such as lectures, conferences, films and videos, were judged by those companies asked as not particularly effective. It is perhaps surprising, therefore, that sales managers intend to continue to use these less effective sales training methods, perhaps this simply reflects their lower cost and a lack of focus on ROI.

